How To Get The Most From Your Physical Therapy Appointment
Nothing better than an appointment with a physical therapist when you want to witness improved body function and reduced pains/discomfort. To make the most from your physical therapy appointments, follow the guidelines:
Wear comfortable clothes. Avoid wearing Jeans or long sleeves during your initial evaluation since the therapist may need to evaluate your joint stability.
Always prefer booking your appointment online and fill your forms online, as this is an instant process and saves waiting time.
To fill pending forms, reach on or before your scheduled appointment time.
Do provide information about when the pain started, the nature of pain (sharp or dull), what caused it, and what aggravates it.
Remember that you and your physical therapist are part of a team with a common goal — to get you better as quickly as possible. Do your home exercise program as instructed and try not to miss any appointments to reach that goal.